Online Classes for Nursery Students

The outbreak of COVID-19 has drastically affected many of us across industries, especially owing to the strict lockdowns. So is the education industry which is undergoing a huge change.

Today, nearly all the kids’ schools in Bangalore are being conducted remotely. Students are still given the right opportunity to excel in their academics. Specific to preschool and nursery children, online classes have been a real boon to this generation.

What is Special about the Online Preschool Program?

As a responsible parent, you always want your child to get the best. When this applies to present-day education, it is crucial that you enrol your child on an online preschool program.

To give you a brief on this, consider the example of the creative classes conducted by Chrysalis Kids, one of the best preschools in Bangalore;

  • The virtual classroom strength here is comfortable for a child; Not too low (to make them restless) and not too high (to get them distracted).
  • The child is given the direct platform to interact and collaborate with their respective class teachers in real-time.
  • To the intention of safety and privacy, your digital IP code is also down the line secured from any third parties.

Online classes, hence, are not mere learning platforms. Rather, they are the best times for a parent to recognize a child’s inner potentials and develop them!

How are Online Courses Useful for Children?

We strongly see today’s children experimenting with gadgets. Children love technology. As a parent, you can turn it into something useful and productive for them. To highlight, online courses help children virtually go to their conventional classrooms.

Moreover, the inclusion of videos, DIYs, etc. during an online class, will make them understand and learn the concepts much better. Digital learning, using colourful visual aids will get children’s attention and therefore they will learn the most values out of it.

The Perks of Live Online Classes for Preschoolers

Believe it or not, parents today are more focused on enrolling their children in online pre-schooling. Apart from the fact of conducting virtual courses “due to the pandemic”, live online classes, for children between 2 to 5 years are beneficial in terms of the following;

  1. It offers great convenience, for both the child and the parent, right from the comfort of their homes.
  2. Parents can now track their child’s academic progress much more efficiently, compared to that of the offline mode. since you would be sitting next to them.
  3. There are fewer or no time-wasters and distractions for children. So, they will spend more time understanding the subject being taught online.

Fun Ways to Engage Your Preschoolers During Lockdown

Now, this is a challenge for you – making sure that your child is active and cheerful, without getting bored; and at the same time, ensuring that they are not spending too much time over the screens. But it is vital for you to differentiate between ‘study time’ and ‘play time’. And so, here are two recommended ways to bring fun and vibrancy for your little ones inside the home;

  • Direct them to nurture a new hobby during this critical phase. Not only does it help them spend time productively, but it also enhances their skill sets in the long run.
  • Rather than making them watch cartoons, get them tuned in with children documentaries, dramas/plays, educational films, etc. Of course, they would require cartoons too; so, ensure to give them a stipulated duration.

With COVID-19 causing one of the major unprecedented and chaotic pandemic, you can indeed still help your child grow cognitively stronger!

Why Do You Need Chrysalis Kids for Your Child(ren)?

Your children won’t feel stressed about their learning period here at Chrysalis Kids, the leading nursery school in Bangalore. Our teachers follow lesson plans that are not burdening for their mere age. Unlike other schools, we follow the 1:8 student ratio for Nursery and 1:10 for Jr. KG and Sr. KG, which is well-appreciated among parents.

Get ready to enroll your child at the best kindergarten school in Bangalore. Admissions are opened for the academic year 2021-22. So, do reach out to us quickly by filling in the admission enquiry form online!

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